Join our cause
We want all boys and girls to have equal opportunities. Join our cause, and sponsor a student from our school. You will contribute to better his, or her future, and community.
When you sponsor a boy or girl, you not only collaborate in his, or her education, but establish a heart to heart connection as well.

Yeshi Laye
Wishes for a fair world. She is 9 years old, and a very communicative and obedient girl. She loves animals and flowers.

Phurpu Lhamo
Wants to reach for the heights, if she could only fly! She is 9 years old, and a sweet and friendly girl. She loves playing “tampe” with her friends.

Thenzin Thirley
Wants to save lives. At the age of 13, he is only in second grade of primary school, because he began his studies later than most. His dream is to be a doctor.

Wants a free and safe world. She is 13 years old, and has a talent for mathematics. She, also likes to play “tampe”, and is of a light-hearted nature.
The amount payed to the sponsorship finances the cost of the education, and room and board of all the students of our school in general. Your contribution does not go directly to one child, but maintains the school, and aids in bettering the conditions for all the children in school. This includes education, room and board, clothing, scholastic materials, and healthcare assistance.
Our human resources rely solely on volunteers specialized in participating areas.

Thank you
With your contribution you will be helping the children of Tibet have a future and making possible their social transformation and that of the whole of their community.

Our human resources are only volunteers with specialized knowledge in the area in which we participate.

Fiscal Advantages
Did you know that sponsoring a child offers fiscal advantages? For example, a 100 € donation declared on your income tax form can accrue 75 € on your next tax return.